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Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange

The first step is to schedule an Orientation. An Orientation is an in-office appointment at our Loomis facility and usually takes about 45 minutes. We will have a few questions about the history of custody and visitation in your family, have 2 forms for you to complete and give you a tour of the facility. There is an enrollment fee due at this appointment for the Non-Custodial Parent.
Supervised Visitation
All of Parenting Time's services are No Contact between adults of the same family. We handle all scheduling from requests to confirmations and stagger arrival times to make sure parties are able to arrive and leave the facility without fear of confrontation or accusations.
It is critical that adults feel safe and calm during appointments so that kids sense this is a safe place where they want to be.

Children spend their visits in a room full ot toys with a parent who feels safe from false accusations or parental conflict so they can focus on being excited to see their child.
How children feel about supervised visits will vary depending on their age and experiences but the main factor will be what they hear and sense from their parents. It is very important that both parents encourage their child to particpate and enjoy visits.