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Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange
Our Services

Supervised Visitation Enrollment Fee
The Parent Enrollment fee is a one-time fee of $150 that covers your Orientation appointment and visit scheduling. The fee is non-refundable and stays current for 5 years from the date payment was made.

Safe Exchange Enrollment Fee
The Parent Enrollment fee is a one-time fee of $50 per parent that covers your Orientation appointment and exchange scheduling. The fee is non-refundable and stays current for 5 years from the date payment was made.

Supervised Visitation Report
A Visit Report is the document made by the monitor during the actual visit. Reports are detailed descriptions of what is said and done during visits. There is one report per visit.

Progress Notes (Communication Log)
The Progress Notes include all emails between both parties and the facility along with a visitation list.

Supervised Vistation
$75 per hour
Visit fees are per hour scheduled. The day, time and location of visits does not affect the fee.

Safe Exchange
$30 per exchange
Visit fees are per hour scheduled. The day, time and location of visits does not affect the fee

Supervised Video Visit
$35 per hour
Virtual Video Visits scheduled and paid for per hour. Remote visits only. In-office video visits are subject to room rental fee.

Late-notice Cancellation Fee
$30 per cancelled hour
Fee charged per hour for any visit cancelled with less the 48 hours notice for non-emergency reasons.